BlogB2B MarketingWebsite Content Trends that are Important to Know

Website Content Trends that are Important to Know

Sure, you know you need content on your website. But throwing a few words on each page and thinking, “That’ll do,” just isn’t good enough for uniform retailers or B2B marketers.

In a world where everyone views, reads, hears and understands information differently, we must be flexible with our content. Lucky for us, new methods, technology and advancements make it easy for uniform marketers.

This year, website content is undergoing a lot of changes. New trends are developing that increase user experience and fulfillment while on our websites. Are you taking advantage of any of these trends? If not, it’s time.

Readers Are Looking for Authenticity & Transparency

Your uniform customer audience nowadays is looking for a little less brand marketing and a lot more transparency. A study completed by web experts showed that consumers are putting more trust in personal recommendations over all other marketing, including branded websites and video ads. Why? Personal recommendations are authentic and trusted.

Your website content should reflect your brand’s personality with authenticity.  Everything you create should be done with full disclosure. Your audience is looking for someone they can trust.

Interactive Content Is Making an Impression

Even if virtual reality is just getting started, interactive content on websites is improving the experience for uniform customers. No, we’re not talking about creating a completely immersive VR experience (although, that’s happening). Instead, we’re talking about creating content that engages.

Businesses are using online design tools for homes, gardening and more. Larger companies are also using interactive quizzes to sell and upsell their services and products. The best part? The responses and engagement you receive from this content return to you as data—pure gold, marketing data.

Perhaps start to consider whether the type of business you run could benefit from interactive content of some kind. Then begin to build your dream team around you to help make that content come to life: a developer, designer and copywriter.

Ready to Up Your Content Game? Not Sure Where to Start?

Your website content deserves to stand out from the rest. We’re here to help! From complete website design to website content tailored to you, UniformMarket powered by Sellers Commerce can provide you with tools you need. Uniform Program Management and Retail Commerce can connect you with the products and data for your employees or business. Whether you are a uniform retailer or an energy company needing to fit your employees with new uniforms and gear, we have the tools and services for you.  Contact us for a demo today!