BlogB2B MicrositesMaximize your Microsites to their maximum potential

Maximize your Microsites to their maximum potential

business-skyscrapers.jpgI decided to write about microsites today because they are typically an intricate yet overlooked piece to the website experience. A microsite is an individual web page or a small cluster of pages which are meant to function as a discrete entity within an existing website or to complement an offline activity. Many companies have them, but often do not utilize them to their maximum potential. This oversight can lead to leaving money on the table, and a down grade to the overall site experience. One must remember that microsites still act as part of the main site. The interaction a customer has with your microsite(s) should be consistent with the one they receive on your main site to ensure a balanced or enhanced user experience.

Generally, microsites are treated as ancillary pieces to a main website. They are set up for targeted audiences and then generally left on their own once up and running in the assumption that once constructed the target audience will get into consistent or automatic buying habits. This is a dangerous idea due to the potential of audience neglect. Simply put…you run the risk of taking your audience’s relationship to your products or brand for granted.

Why Maximize the Microsite experience?

  • They are an opportunity to highlight products or specific groups of products
  • They are used as an opportunity to augment marketing and branding campaigns
  • They are used to customize and categorize consumer interaction
  • They are used to create an intimate product and brand experience for diverse buying groups
  • Microsites offer the opportunity to segment audiences and customize the buying experience

Your microsites are individualized profit, and specialized message centers. Overlooking these sites could possibly deal a big blow to your overall profitability. Your microsite consumers want a clear, consistent, individualized, user friendly, and modern experience. So, why not give this to them?


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