BlogProduct UpdatesHappy Labor Day from All of us at Sellers Commerce

Happy Labor Day from All of us at Sellers Commerce

Most people think of Labor Day as a time to enjoy a day off and bid farewell to summer. Like the other federal holidays, it has a unique and interesting history. 

In the late 1800’s, Labor Day was a state holiday honoring the contributions of workers to the United States economy. In 1894, Labor Day became a federal holiday during a prominent national political dialog about worker wages and hours. At the center of the issue was the American Railway Union (ARU) strike against the Pullman Company. Within a week of the end of this strike, Congress voted unanimously to create Labor Day as the 7th Federal holiday. Labor unions used this new federal holiday as an annual occasion for parades and speeches promoting worker rights.

Like most holidays, Labor Day has evolved significantly from it’s political beginnings. Today, Labor Day is commonly celebrated as a last hurrah to summer and a chance to spend time with family and friends.

We hope you all have a safe and fun Labor Day!


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